A cliffside garden is an in between place. Hovering between the solid and the ephemeral. Perched on the solid rock, nestled in the coign of the cliff, surrounded by carpets of cliff flowers - pink thrift, white rock rose and blue squill. Suspended above the pounding waves, surrounded by the clear, clean air, caressed by the soft fingers of a gentle wind. The crystal rock gleaming and beaming in the rays of the brilliant sun. Twinkling and gleaming in the light of a full moon. Held by the rock, cleansed by the wind - the transforming action of Sun, wind and air in the action of light, wave and tide.
As we rest in the garden on the cliff and surrender ourselves, with open hearts and minds, we can be transformed by the physical action of the elements of creation, working through our hearts and minds and souls. As we sit in the transforming power of the elements around us, we are spiritually transformed and healed by the movement of his saving grace’ in our hearts and shining through our world. Spiritual evolution is a process of self discovery and transformation. To know oneself is to know God. The divine resides within us all. To enter into the process of spiritual self discovery demands of us complete authenticity. We need the bravery to face up to who and what we are, without avoidance or succumbing to distraction. It is as we come to know the truth, that God loves each and every one of us passionately, and without condition, that we will be able to surrender ourselves to the process of spiritual transformation. As we turn inwards in meditation, stillness and contemplative prayer, we are able to link with the still small voice of the divine within us all. Be still and know that I am God. Be still and know. Be Still. BE. The process of going inward, of hearing the still small voice which speaks to us through the turmoil of the worlds earthquakes, winds and fires, is a process of connection which stands us in very good stead, as we face up to the trials and tribulations, which beset us in so many ways, in our lives and in our world. Finding the time, the space and the determination to make room in our hectic busy lives is essential. To find the peace of God we need to determine to be still and listen to his whispered nugings and promptings. The natural world can offer us myriad locations for us to find that stillness, connection, and the peace which this can bring us. We only have to seek them out with intention. To seek and know, that as we knock the door will indeed be opened for us.
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