The Life and Work of Jesus Christ
Size 18” x 27 “
Price £2,000 |
This is a series of 24 pictures depicting the life of Christ. This series traces the miracles of the life of Jesus as he walked on this earth. It begins with the miracle of the Incarnation, the birth of Christ, and then follows the progress of his life to his betrayal, torture and death. The pictures attempt to access the light within the events, depicting what it looks like for our physical human world to be enlightened with the light of the divine as the various miracles of the life of Christ are worked out before us. The Crucifixion itself is a moment of pain and death but also of ultimate glory shining through all things, when the light of the Divine floods into our world and the veil of the temple is rent in twain. The boundaries between heaven and earth are eroded by miracles which defy the laws of this universe and allow something heavenly to break physically into our lives. The text of these pieces have been inspired through Ignatian prayer. Ignation prayer invites us to engage our creative imaginations with the Biblical pieces to produce a connection with what lies behind and between the words of the Bible itself, The result produces a different inspiration and view, inviting others to into an imaginative participation with the text itself. |